Molly and Charlie here, with a quick update.
Friday, Eric's ankles started getting a bit swollen, and his Doc and nurses attributed this to the mild steroid that they had started him on. On Saturday morning his legs were very swollen, almost looking like the muscles which had atrophied away came back....but we knew it was just swelling. The Doc and nurses still thought it was a drug side effect. Sat night they sent him to radiology to be sure, and it turns out that he has developed bloods clots in his legs. The filter that was put in place previously did what it needed to do and caught the blood clots before they could do too much harm (That was a great call with that procedure doc!). Eric's blood pressure and temps have been swinging up and down, and he hasn't been sleeping very well, so he is quite tired. He is currently on bed rest until tomorrow (Monday), when he goes from rehab to the main hospital where they will set him up with procedures to dissolve the clots directly. This is anticipated to be about 2-3 days in the main hospital, after which he will return to rehab and restart his "normal" rehab routine. He is back on blood thinners to deter the formation of any new clots, and will stay on that for about 6 that this does not happen again.
On another note, we got Eric's special needs trust set up late last week, and should have his bank account squared away early this week. We are planning on setting up a Pay Pal link on this page for those of you who would like to donate to help us add to a better quality of living and recovery for Eric.
Since the trust is set up, you can also send checks made out to:
"Eric Joseph Berkey 2011 Special Needs Trust"
you can make the checks out to Marienne Colvin, Daniel Berkey, or Charles Colvin , followed by "Trustee" (i.e. Marienne Colvin, Trustee).
We will be the 3 trustees associated with his account and will do everything in our power to get Eric what he needs. Please mail checks to:
1118 Fresno Street
Unit 5
San Diego, CA 92110
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Molly (aka Marienne) or Charlie -->
Eric -->
We want to thank everyone for your help and contributions as well as all the positive healing vibes coming his way!
Molly and Charlie
We love you buddy and we're rooting for you to get back on the rehab track asap.
Eric, I am glad you are always in good company and are recovering. I have no doubt you will find new ways to make discoveries and keep life exciting and interesting. We wish you success on your journey. Let's catch up sometime,
Dan, Galina and Edward