Saturday, May 21, 2011

may 20, 2011

Went for my first push around the new neighborhood. My sister Molly expertly guided me through some gnarly urban terrain. Olive Grove park is just around the corner but getting there via wheelchair is an adventure. The curbs I once bunny-hopped easily on my mtn bike are now cliffs overwhich lies certain severe pain. Crossing the street evokes memories of playing Frogger and that bus isn't slowing down...
Our perilous journey brought us to the sanctuary of the park, where green grass and abundant shade trees foretell summer cookouts to come.

While I am frequently humbled by my new perspective on the world, I also see opportunity and potential where I never would have looked before. I also have a new found appreciation for the smallest pleasures- the sun on my face, the sound of wind in the trees. Whatever challenges I face, I realize that I am lucky to be here and I'm grateful for the people who make my very existence possible.


1 comment:

  1. It is good to hear that you, Molly and Charlie are in your new home! I know one thing you can do so well and that is "write'. Reading your posts makes me smile and admire you very much.
    Aunt Mary Kay
