Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011

There's a special place in hell with a VIP velvet rope for people who steal from hospital rooms.  Unfortunately, one of them came through my room while I was in therapy, and took the brand new iPad that Mike & Joanne Knapp were so thoughtful to buy for me recently.

On a lighter note, I did play my first card game today.  Actually, it included both cards & chips.  It was a challenging test of dexterity.  I didn't win all of the chips, but I did keep most of my clothes for the duration.

Today I keep in mind that although there are morally bankrupt people that challenge us often, all of the positive people like you in my life kept me smiling & moving forward.

Love all,  Berx


  1. Berkey, been keeping up with your recovery every step, your strength is amazing. You are in my thoughts and prayers always. Keep smiling and moving!! Love to you! Dawn

  2. that sucks some are folks are pretty low.
    The cards & chips sound interesting

  3. Glad to hear you kept your clothes on...cause next time we ski down a mountain for free lift tix don't think you'll get off so easy! I'm sorry to hear about the ipad...actually I'm angry to hear about the ipad...but as always you show us how to view life in the best possible way....thank you. Keep up the fight and keep gettin those chips. XO Janice and Adam

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We Love you Berkey Glad to see you are enjoying your stay up north

    One would like to think that the few people that love the Mac (ipad) only about 1 in 10 would be of a better class and not to take another's personal communication devise
